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Health & Wellness
Am I Vitamin D Deficient?
Vitamin D deficiency is a common problem today. How do you know if you are Vitamin D deficient? Let’s dive in!

Health & Wellness
A Workout for Your Eyes
Eyestrain is such a pain, but here are two exercises you can do that will help!

Health & Wellness
9 Ways To Live a Healthy Lifestyle
Your diet is not the only factor that determines your health. Sleep, meditation and even a 'treat' meal can help.

Health & Wellness
8 Healthy Habits To Live By
If you're not already, consider incorporating these into your daily routine to help you on your path to health and happiness.

Health & Wellness
6 Sleep Hacks for Restful ZZZ's
Are you getting your beauty rest? We spend one-third of our life sleeping, and not surprisingly, how much quality sleep we experience has a strong correlation with our overall health. There are var...

Health & Wellness
6 Reasons To Eat Blueberries
Numerous studies reveal that blueberries have a plethora of health benefits.

Fitness & Workouts
5 Moves for Hip-Pain Relief
Do you have pain in your hips after sitting all day? Try these five stretches for healthy, happy hips!

Fitness & Workouts
30-Day Fit & Healthy Passport
If you need a little help firing up your fitness, nutrition, and wellness motivation again, try this innovative 30-Day Fit & Healthy Passport.

Health & Wellness
3 Questions Women Should Ask Their PCP
We women are all too familiar with the "annual exam," but are we intentionally engaged in the process, or are we simply showing up? Developing a collaborative relationship with your primary care pr...